Prince of Peace is a warm, friendly congregation with Christ-centered worship and many opportunities for you and your family to grow in your faith through Bible study and Sunday School.
Children's Church & Sunday School
- Sunday School is held every Sunday from September - May following the 9:00am service for 3-year-olds through High School
Adult Education
Current Bible Studies
Sundays after 9:00 worship in the narthex. Slides: Bible Study Archives |
Adult Weekly Bible Studies
Sunday Morning Bible Class (10:15 a.m.) We are currently doing a series of studies called "Hot Topics." It has covered topics such as Abortion, Stem-Cell Research, Cremation & other End of Life issues, and It will be offered both in-person and online through Zoom. The link is sent in email. Tuesday Morning Bible Class (11:00 a.m.) We are currently studying Philippians. Wednesday Women's Bible Study (6:30 p.m.) Every Wednesday there is a women's study at the home of one of our members at 6:30 p.m.. Call the church at 262-639-1277 for details. Friday Men’s Bible Study (9:30 a.m.) Held every Friday at Prince of Peace at 9:30 am. at church. We are studying the book of Hebrews. Adult Monthly Bible Studies Men’s Breakfast Bible Study (Every 3rd Saturday at 8:00 a.m.) Please join us for breakfast & Bible Study. Women's Ministry called "W.O.W" [Women of Worth] (Every 2nd Saturday at 10 a.m.) It is for all ages of women in the congregation. It consists of a devotional talk or Bible study, an activity, food, and just the chance for the women of Prince of Peace to gather. College/Post-College Group called "Witness Christ" (Saturdays at 10:00 a.m.) Led by Joe Herron. They are examining the book "5 Things You Can Do to Witness Christ." Contact Joe at 262-744-2730 if interested. |
Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker! - Psalm 95:6